full list of publications
Pechurina, A. (2015). Material Cultures, Migrations, and Identities. Palgrave Macmillan.
Review by A. Croitoru (2016) in Europe-Asia Studies 68(9) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09668136.2016.1241589
articles in peer-reviewed journals
Miguel, C., Pechurina, A., Kirkulak-Uludag, B., Drotarova, M., Dumančić, K., Braje, I.N., Giglio, C. (2022). Short-term rental market crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stakeholders’ perspectives, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol 102. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103147
Braje, I.N., Pechurina, A., Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N., Miguel, C., Alonso-Almeida, M.d.M. and Giglio, C. (2021). The changing determinants of tourists’ repurchase intention: the case of short-term rentals during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 159-183. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-04-2021-0438
Pechurina, A. (2020). Researching identities through material possessions: The case of diasporic objects. Current Sociology. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011392120927746
Sablina, S., Soong, H. & Pechurina, A. (2018). Exploring expectations, experiences and long-term plans of Chinese international students studying in the joint Sino-Russian degree. Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-018-0256-z
Pechurina, A. (2016). Defining the Russian Diasporic Home and Its Atmospheres: Theoretical Challenges and the Methodological Implications, Russian Sociological Review, 15(2): 26-41.
See related to the article images: Houseguest: Feeling at Home on Sunny Street and a photo essay by Kajoranta, K. (2015) in Calvert Journal
Pechurina, A. (2014). Positionality and Ethics in the Qualitative Research of Migrants’ Homes, Sociological Research Online, 19 (1)
Pechurina, A. (2011). Russian Dolls, Icons, and Pushkin: Practicing Cultural Identity through Material Possessions in Immigration, Laboratorium, 3 (3): 97–117
Печурина, А. (2010). Увидеть необычное в обычном: исследования семейной фотографии, Социологический журнал, 2: 92-97 (in Russian).
Печурина, А. (2007). Визуализация социальных исследований: новые данные или новые знания?, Социологический журнал, 3: 81-89 (in Russian).
book chapters
Pechurina, A. (2023). Scaling down migrant homemaking : Home possessions and the embodied experience of home. In Handbook on Home and Migration (pp. 377–387). Boccagni P. (Ed.) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800882775.00042
Pechurina, A. (2023). ‘Visiting Home’ as a Method and Experience: Researching Russian Migrants’ Homes in the UK. In: Boccagni, P., Bonfanti, S. (eds) Migration and Domestic Space. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23125-4_6
Golovina, K., Pechurina, A., Varshaver, E., Rocheva, A. (2023) House, Home, and Homemaking in Post-Soviet Migratory Contexts: Cases of Russia and Japan. In Handbook on Home and Migration (pp. 377–387). Boccagni P. (Ed.) Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800882775.00064
Pechurina, A. (2023). Russian Objects and Russian Homes: A Sociological Reflection on Homes and Migration. In M. Yelenevskaya & E. Protassova (Eds.), Homemaking in the Russian-speaking Diaspora: Material Culture, Language and Identity (pp. 43–62). Edinburgh University Press.
Печурина, А. (2023) Фотография в социологической работе:практики сбора и презентации. In: Практики анализа качественных данных в социальных науках. Под ред. Е. Полухиной. М.: Изд-во НИУ ВШЭ, 313-334 (in Russian). Translated title of the contribution: Photography in Sociological Work: data Collection and Presentation.
Pechurina, A. (2017). National food, belonging, and identity among Russian-speaking migrants in the UK. In: Polese, A., Morris, J., Pawlusz, E. and Seliverstova, O. (eds.) Identity and Nation Building in Everyday Post-Socialist Life. Routledge, pp. 91-109. https://www.routledge.com/Identity-and-Nation-Building-in-Everyday-Post-Socialist-Life/Polese-Morris-Pawlusz-Seliverstova/p/book/9781138736412
Pechurina, A. (2017). Post-Soviet Russian-Speaking Migration to the UK: The Discourses of Visibility and Accountability, In: Nikolko M, Carment D. (eds.) Post-Soviet Migration and Diasporas: From Global Perspectives to Everyday Practices. Springer. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-47773-2_3
Печурина, А. (2009). «Там русский дух …»: вещи в доме как способ визуализации идентичности мигрантов в Великобритании, Визуальная антропология: настройка оптики / Под редакцией Е Ярской-Смирновой, П. Романова (Библиотека Журнала исследований социальной политики). М.: ООО «Вариант», ЦСПГИ, 2009. – 296 с. (in Russian)
book reviews
Pechurina, A. (2019). Higher education in post-Communist states: comparative and sociological perspectives, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1671711
Pechurina, A. (2014). Post-post-Soviet? Art, politics and society in Russia at the turn of the decade edited by Marta Dziewanska, Ekaterina Degot, and Ilja Budraitskis, Visual Studies, 31(1): p.83
Pechurina, A. (2012). A Cold War Tourist and His Camera, Visual Studies, 27(1): 114-115
Печурина, А. (2005). О муже(N)ственности. Сборник статей / Сост. С. Ушакин. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2002, Социологический журнал, 3: 181-184 (in Russian)
non-refereed publications
Kajoranta, K & Pechurina, A. Unhomely Homes: A visual study of Airbnb. Weblog entry. The Sociological Review. May 25, 2020.
Pechurina, A. Building beneficial relationships when conducting research with migrant communities. Weblog entry. Research Ethics Monthly. Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services Pty Ltd (AHRECS). July 26, 2017
Pechurina, A. Creating a Home from Home: Russian Communities in the UK. Weblog entry. Material World. September 28, 2011
English-Russian translation of academic texts
Chalfen, R. (1998) Interpreting Family Photography as Pictorial Communication. Translated from English by Pechurina, A. Sociological journal, 2010: 2: 98-117. Translated title of the contribution: Печурина, А. (2010). Ричард Чалфен, Семейные фотографии как коммуникация посредством изображений / Пер. с англ. А.В. Печуриной, Социологический журнал, 2: 98-117
Pink. S. (2004) Performance, Self-representation and Narrative: Interviewing with video. Translated by Pechurina,A. , Kolosov, A. Sociological Journal, 2007:3. Translated title of the contribution: Сара Пинк, Интервью с видеокамерой: представление, саморепрезентация и нарратив (краткий перевод статьи Сары Пинк, выполненный А.В. Печуриной и А.В Колосовым (2007): Pink S. Performance, self-representation and narrative: Interviewing with video // Seeing is Believing? Approaches to visual research. Studies in qualitative methodology. Vol. 7 / Ed. by C. Pole. London: Elseiver Science, 2004), Социологический журнал, 3: 90-107
April 28, 2019 Интервью для Реальное Время: «В Англию переезжает в два раза больше женщин, чем мужчин»
August 13, 2016 Ссылка на исследование в статье “«Людям тяжело тут жить». За что русские в Германии и Израиле поддерживают Путина?” https://republic.ru/posts/71965
November 1, 2015 Interview to Russia News Agency Lenta.ru: «В новом доме они строят маленькую Россию»
October 22, 2015, Research University - Higher School of Economics, video interview: «Взять сувенир из России на память!»
selected conference presentations
07/2023 Home possessions and the embodied experience of home. Presented at: Everyday Enchantments: thinking with and about everyday life. The University of Manchester.
11/04/2018 The Study of Diasporic Identities through Home-Making Practices. Presented at BSA Annual Conference 2018 as part of Race, Ethnicity and Migration special event. Northumbria University.
06/2017 Material cultures, migrations, and identities: Researching home of Russian migrants communities in the UK, presented at International Workshop on Researching Home and Migration: Questions, Methods, Prospects. An International Workshop within the ERC HomInG project, 5-6 June, 2017, Trento. Presentation video recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTVElML5Aq4&t=1s
04/2017 "Cosy Room in Charming Flat". The construction of Home and non-Home on AirBnB, presented at the British Sociological Association Conference, 4-6 April, 2017, Manchester. Presentation slides: https://vimeo.com/211333743
12/2016 - Metaphors of ‘home' in migration discourse. Presented at: Struggles over ‘Home’ in a time of Crisis. The University of Leeds.
09/2015 - Participatory (visual) Ethnography: How much authorship is enough? Presented at: 4th International Visual Methods Conference 2015, the University of Brighton.
08/2015 National Food and Russiannness in Immigration, presented at the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association August 28th, 2015, Prague.
07/2015 Researching migrants’ homes: the atmospheres of Russianness, presented at the Atmospheres Conference, July 1-2, 2015, the University of Manchester
12/2014 Studying the Post-Socialist Environment: Research Methodology and Field-work Platform Ukraine workshop UCL SSEES
08/2014 - Post-Soviet Russian speaking migration to the UK: developing an analytical framework, Presented at: the IMISCOE Annual Conference in Madrid.
03/2014- New Russian diasporas abroad: exploring the global and UK geography of post-Soviet Russian-speaking migration. Presented at: Post-Soviet Diaspora: Identities, Linkages, and Transformations, Carleton University, Canada.
09/2011 - The National Taste for Home: Researching Identity through Home Possessions. Presented at: the Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging by Inter Disciplinary.Net, 5th Global Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford, UK