CFP for BASEES 2020: Working in post-Soviet contexts: Methods, Challenges, and New Avenues

Call for Papers for BASEES Annual Conference (3-5 April, 2020, Cambridge, UK)

Working in post-Soviet contexts: Methods, Challenges, and New Avenues

Organiser: Anna Pechurina, Leeds School Of Social Sciences, Leeds Beckett University

This panel will critically evaluate methodological choices, challenges and opportunities surrounding research within and across various post-Soviet contexts—not only understood as a geographical location but also as a discursive category that represents specific practices of identity and belonging. Quite a few studies have explored post-Soviet and post-Socialist identities, relationships and ways of being, in the process highlighting the multi-dimensional, multi-sited and transformative nature of this broad category. More recently, a focus on transnational, diasporic and cross-linguistic dimensions has added relevance and urgency to such themes and concerns, if at the same time calling for more systematic and comparative contributions that broaden and invigorate existing approaches to researching and working within post-Soviet contexts, as well as critically reflect on current research. The panel seeks contributions from social-science scholars working in Eastern and Western Europe in the following broad areas:

  • Research reflections, techniques, methodologies to approach and understand post-Soviet identities, practices, and experiences

  • Mapping post-Soviet spatialities: approaches, challenges, reflections;

  • Working in post-Soviet contexts: reflecting on the process of research and good practice;

  • Ethical challenges of working with post-Soviet communities;

  • Developing research on post-Soviet international migrations in comparative and transnational contexts.

If you are interested in submitting a paper to this panel, please send:
a title, abstract of up to 250 words, and full contact details to by September 27th 2019